Sister of murdered British tourist Hannah Witheridge attacks ‘bungling’ Thai police


Sister of murdered British tourist Hannah Witheridge attacks ‘bungling’ Thai police

Hannah Witheridge’s sister Laura delivers powerful attack on perception of Thailand as a tourist idyll

by Philip Sherwell



David Miller and Hannah Witheridge


The sister of a young British woman murdered on a Thai holiday island has launched a scathing attack on the country’s police and Thailand’s reputation as “the most beautiful place in the world”.

Hannah Witheridge’s sister Laura delivered her powerful attack following the death of another young British holidaymaker on Koh Tao on Friday.

She described the investigation into the brutal killings of her sister and David Miller in Sept 2014 as “bungled” and alleged that the “vast majority” of Thai police are corrupt. The Thai authorities have denied such accusations.

Miss Witheridge claimed that she had received death threats and that her family was offered money to keep quiet after the murders. She accused the Thai authorities of “covering-up” the killings of other Western tourists on Koh Tao.



Zaw Lin (R) and Wai Phyo (L) are escorted by a Thai police officer after they were sentenced to death (Photo: EPA)


Her emotional comments also delivered the first clear message that her family does not the support the guilty verdicts imposed on two Burmese men for the murder and rape of her sister and murder of Mr Miller, a fellow British backpacker.

Miss Witheridge linked her Facebook comment to a video by the online activist collective Anonymous that accused the Thai police of using the two convicted Burmese men as “scapegoats”.

In the immediate aftermath of the verdict, the Witheridge family said that they needed time “to digest the outcome of the trial and figure out the most appropriate way to tell our story”.

By contrast, Mr Miller’s parents and brother strongly backed the Christmas Eve convictions of the Burmese migrant workers who were sentenced to death for the killings.

Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo, both 23, were convicted by a three-judge panel largely on the basis of disputed DNA evidence found on Hannah Witheridge’s body. They claimed in court that they were tortured into making confessions and their defence team is preparing an appeal.

The Thai police and ruling junta has denied the criticisms, including the torture claims, and stood by the DNA evidence.

Laura Witheridge detailed a series of accusations in a long posting made after the body of Luke Miller, 27, a British tourist from the Isle of Wight, was found dead floating in a hotel swimming pool.

She said she decided to speak out after reading the “ignorant comment” that Thailand is “the most beautiful place in the world” after his death.

“Aesthetically, on a postcard or photograph, maybe,” she wrote. “However, I have to disagree. Lots of things ‘look’ beautiful. You only have to consider a lion, or tiger … beautiful to look at, yes … but get too close and they will tear you apart and feed you to their young.

“My point being that aesthetic beauty can lure you into a very dangerous trap.”

Miss Witheridge said she was continually asked whether she would “warn the world about the dangers of Thailand”.

In comments that are certain to arouse controversy, she said: “Many Thais hate Westerners and they have little to no regard for human life. I don’t say this lightly, or without reason.”

She turned her focus to a series of deaths of foreign visitors to Koh Tao, including most recently that of Luke Miller (no relation to David Miller). His body has been taken to the mainland for an autopsy but Thai police have told local media that he plunged drunk into a swimming pool and struck his head.

“What if I told you that since we lost Hannah there have been many more suspicious deaths on Koh Tao?” said Miss Witheridge.

“The deaths, where possible, are covered up as suicides and accidents. This would have happened with Hannah, if it had not been for the hideous brutality of her passing.

“I highly suspect that with this latest tragedy, the Thais will say that it was an accidental death caused by drugs. Hiding the truth and offering a story that suits, is something that they do often. My thoughts are with Luke Miller’s family and friends.”

She then detailed a series of harrowing experiences that she said that she and her family have faced since Hannah’s murder.

“What if I told you that I have had many death threats from thai people since they murdered my sister? That they defaced photographs of me saying that the killers had only done ‘half the job’

“What if I told you that people commented on these photographs saying things like ‘there is still time’, and ‘tick tock tick tock’?

“What if I told you that I have been sent crime scene photographs? What if I told you that I have been chased in my car? What if I told you that the Thais offered us ‘compensation’ to try and keep us quiet? Obviously we were absolutely appalled and told them to shove it?

“What if I told you that I am now frightened of my own shadow? That I am constantly looking over my shoulder? That I am exhausted, but frightened to sleep because of the nightmares? I miss my sister desperately. My heart is heavy and my mind is tired.

“Still think Thailand is beautiful? If your answer is still ‘yes’ then I would suggest you watch the following,” she said, linking to the Anonymous video.






Watch: Koh Tao Murder – Thai Police, their scapegoates and tourist trade – Exposed by Anonymous

This video goes into the deep facts of the recent Koh Tao Island murder of David Miller and Hannah Witheridge.

Recently a lower Thai court had sentence Wai Phyo and Zaw Lin to death for the murder of David and Hannah.

Many bloggers and internet users online had said that these two Burmese migrants were actually scapegoats.

Anonymous has looked into this very bizarre island and this murder case.

Our findings are disgusting as we have discovered some very ugly corruption involving the Royal Thai Police and their lack of skills and competency with processional investigating serious crimes.



Watch: The Story of the Koh Tao Murder

On September 15th, 2 British travellers – Hannah Witheridge and David Miller, 23 were brutally murdered whilst on holiday in Thailand on the island of Koh Tao. Hannah was also raped. Later two likely innocent Burmese workers were allegedly tortured to confess and then jailed. Influential Koh Tao businessman and holiday resort owners were released despite revealing evidence suggesting their involvement in the rape and murder.



Watch: Backpacker’s terror after ‘Thai mafia’ death threat

Sean McAnna, who knew the murdered British backpacker David Miller, says he was forced to flee the Thai island of Koh Tao after being threatened by local gangsters.



Thailand’s Migrant Worker Woes Exposed in Koh Tao Murder Case


Hackers bring down Thai websites over British murders verdict


Hackers target Thai court websites to protest handling of Koh Tao murder trial


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