45-Year-Old Virgin Desperate for Sex Advertises for Husband – but the Medium She Chose Is Everything


45-Year-Old Virgin Desperate for Sex Advertises for Husband – but the Medium She Chose Is Everything




A 45-year-old virgin has apparently gone to extreme lengths to find a husband so that she can have sex by advertising on a billboard.

Aranya ‘Pui’ Pathumthong, a TV actress in Thailand, rented a giant space on a billboard in the Thai capital, Bangkok, in the hope of finding herself a partner.

After failing to find one using dating agencies and websites, the woman resorted to an unconventional approach.

According to local news sites, on the advertisement, she put up a provocative picture of herself wearing almost nothing, with the caption: ‘I want you.’

She also includes her phone number and the note: ’40 and a virgin. Pui Aranya is looking for a husband! Let me get it once before I die.’

Aranya, whose real age is 45, told local media that she desperately wanted a husband and had specifically chosen the Lat Phrao District of the capital to advertise.

She has since been forced to take the ad down by police and the advertising agency have been fined 500 Baht ($15) for public obscenity and ordered them to remove it.

The police now want to speak to the woman to question her motives.






Husband no longer needed: Actress says her sex billboard part of ‘work project’



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